Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.
This show supports: The Rescue House, Inc. is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to assisting cats through its rescue, foster and adoption activities. We find loving homes for unwanted, abandoned, homeless and injured cats. We open our arms to socialized, people-friendly cats that need assistance, regardless of age and often regardless of handicap. We find good homes for every cat that we take in – we are a true no-kill cat rescue organization. Since our inception in 1999, we have rescued over 17,000 cats.
Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.
This show supports: The Rescue House, Inc. is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to assisting cats through its rescue, foster and adoption activities. We find loving homes for unwanted, abandoned, homeless and injured cats. We open our arms to socialized, people-friendly cats that need assistance, regardless of age and often regardless of handicap. We find good homes for every cat that we take in – we are a true no-kill cat rescue organization. Since our inception in 1999, we have rescued over 17,000 cats.
No refunds or exchanges.
Fee applies if transferring confirmed ticket purchase to another guest.
Ages 21+
Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.
This show supports: The Rescue House, Inc. is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization dedicated to assisting cats through its rescue, foster and adoption activities. We find loving homes for unwanted, abandoned, homeless and injured cats. We open our arms to socialized, people-friendly cats that need assistance, regardless of age and often regardless of handicap. We find good homes for every cat that we take in – we are a true no-kill cat rescue organization. Since our inception in 1999, we have rescued over 17,000 cats.